When God gives us something, there is always enough to share.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Please Pray for Heidi

Good Morning, Friends!

I am sorry that I have not posted for a few days! I have some cards to post later, but first I want to ask you to pray.

Tuesday morning my Sister-In-Law was taken to the hospital with severe sweating. They ran some blood tests and immediately transferred her to the local Cancer Hospital. She has been diagnosed with Acute Leukemia and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

Heidi is a single mom (widow--my brother died several years ago), and her one child (my niece Julie) is obviously struggling with this. Heidi is in her early 50's and Julie is in her early 20's. TOO young!!

I truly appreciate your prayers for Heidi and Julie!! This has come as a complete shock to us all, and we are praying that God will choose to heal Heidi. I know that God will give us the grace, no matter what He decides.

Thank you so much!



terri said...

I will be praying.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely praying!

And if I could add in a request: My 11 year old son is in need of prayers. He burned his hand this evening (we live in Japan) & has a 2nd degree burn on his right hand, index & middle finger. He goes to general surgery tomorrow for debriding & for them to decide if he will be sent to a burn unit.

Misty Olsen said...

Good Morning Debbi :0) I hope God will answer your families prayer.

Debra, I hope your son recovers quickly too.

Hugs and Prayers for everyone,

Debbi said...

Thank you all SO much! And, Debra, I will be praying for your son.

Tricia said...

I'll be praying that God will be glorified in this trial for your family, Debbi. Bless your heart! I'm sure that it is weighing on you. I pray you'll all be able to rest in the Lord as you start this new journey.

I do pray that your son's surgery will go well, too, Debra!

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

thi debbie thank you for your comment on my blog.
iam following you now
love and hugs

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhh I am sorry to hear this... I will pray for her... thanks for the love and thoughts on my blog... I truly appreciate it! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Enfys said...

Oh Debbie, I am so sorry to hear this. I will be holding your family in prayer, and sending big hugs to you as well
En xx

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Praying for Heidi and her daughter. And for you too!

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