When God gives us something, there is always enough to share.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank You Thursday

Time for Thank You Thursday! If you are new to my blog, check out the details at Our Imperfect Life and join in!

Thank You, God for the sweet birds that are singing outside the window and for the sunshine! They are a much needed reminder that Your "mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness"!!

Thank You to Ellie at One Crafty Mother for the beautiful necklace she gave away...and sent to me. YAY!

Thank You to my blog friend Emily at Too Blessed to Stress. Your posts give me great ideas, inspire my creativity, and most of all, make me laugh! :-D Thanks, too, for featuring me this week...what an honor!

Thank You to the dust bunnies, and the laundry heaps, and the dish piles, and the dirt monsters (I could go on) for always being there. I can always count on you to keep me busy, to make me feel needed, to be a constant reminder of responsibility and example to my children. You are, also (and more importantly!), a reminder of the wonderful blessings I have been given...the authors of the dust bunnies...and laundry heaps...and dish piles...and the dirt monsters. I am SO blessed to have such a wonderful (and active!) family.

Thank You to our Founding Fathers. You gave everything to achieve the freedom that we have enjoyed for so long in our great America. Thank You for making the ultimate sacrifice to allow us freedom of religion and to establish a Democracy. You are true American Heroes.

Thank You to our wonderful Congress and President for forgetting our Founding Fathers, for taking all that America stands for and flushing it down the toilet. Please remember that you are elected BY the people, and FOR the people. Thank you, too, for forgetting the lessons we have learned in history. It is always beneficial, I'm sure, to repeat past mistakes, right?

Thank You to the Americans that still fight for freedom...our Armed Forces, the few leaders that take a stand and still speak for the public, and those citizens who still speak up to defend things like Right to Life, Freedom of Religion, and other things that so many of us take for granted.

Thank You, God, that we can rest in the knowledge that You are still in control, that our economy and our politicians are not a surprise to You, and that You can bring good out of even this seemingly impossible situation. YOU are amazing!


Rachel said...

I liked this..I found you through Our Imperfect Life. These thank you thursdays were a great idea, huh?

The Dear said...

Great list. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

Heather said...

Good list. Hope you have a great weekend!

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